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Saturday, January 22, 2011

Snow Days!

Remember when you were in grade school and you would wake up so easily to check and see if your school's name was on the bottom of the TV screen or heard on the radio? Oh man, I sure do!

The recent snow we so generously received is what I would like to call a "child's dream". We got about 8.5 inches of snow at my house and man, it sure did make a beautiful scene! 8.5 inches of snow is like Antarctica when you are a kid! My sister's and I loved going out and making it an adventure to get to the swing set or clubhouse! There was always something about walking threw the perfectly laid snow and looking back to see how big/deep your foot print was. Snow angles, snowmen, ice cycles, sledding, and the snow drifts were hours of entertainment. Until we got our sleds for the year, I remember using my grandma's cookie/pizza sheets and sledding down the hill in her backyard. You would get going so fast on those things!

 After a couple hours when we couldn't feel our hands, toes, or noses, we would go inside and make a huge mess taking off all our wet snowy clothes. Grandma would make us hot chocolate and we would watch a movie. Oh how I miss snow days, especially when I was younger and used the snow during my snow day.

The perfect blanket of snow that sparkles in the sunlight in my front yard is so amazing to look at. A lot of people I know have told me that they would love to move somewhere with warm weather all year around. I totally disagree! The cold air hitting my lungs makes me feel refreshed! One thing I noticed as I am getting older each year, snow just becomes more and more inconvenient and annoying! I mean, my husband clears off my car and the steps for me, but driving in it is so gosh darn nerve racking!! I can drive pretty good in the snow, but others..... oh gosh.

I will never hate snow. It reminds me too much of all the fun times I had with my sisters! And now that I am having a little girl, I will have to excuse to go out and play in it again! I sure hope we keep getting a good snow every year so that kids can have their snow days to make snowmen, sled, drink hot chocolate, and of course, NO SCHOOL!!

I did what I could to get some interesting photos of the snow around my house. Buster loves the snow, so he is yet again on the blog!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Big hairbows, Justin Bieber, and a fashion shoot!

Is it just me, or do kids just grow up way too fast? I have watched all 4 of these kids become way too big, way too fast! I use to babysit these guys way back when, even before Natalie was born! I then passed the job down to my youngest sister Samantha. We use to play Candy Land, watch High School Musical, dress up, order pizza, and struggle with bedtime almost every night I watched them.

Meet Delanie (9), Charlie(7), Mary-Kate(5), and Natalie(3)!

This photo shoot was super fun! After finally getting Natalie to wear a different headband than Mary-Kate, we did the head shots and the group shot. Oh the dreaded group shot... These kids are so full of energy, it's real tough to get them all to look in the same direction and sit still! After several shots, we nailed the perfect one and moved on to Delanie's Fashion Shoot!

Her room is AWESOME! I know, I'm 21, but I am jealous of how her room is decorated! So many bright colors, peace signs, Chinese lanterns, and an awesome couch! She told me she felt like such a model, which made me feel super stellar!!

Mary-Kate, aka "Future Mrs. Bieber" of course had to have a photo shoot like her big sister! She has a lifesize cutout of Justin in her room and a t-shirt that made us all laugh!

I can't wait to take more photos of these kids! I sure hope they don't grown any faster, I don't think I can handle it! :)

Friday, January 14, 2011

My Children!

So, I am pregnant with my first child, but yes I have 2 children.

Meet Buster and Little Miss!!

Buster came into Dan and I's family 2 years ago. We got him from my boss. The day I finally convinced Dan into letting me get a puppy, we went to my boss's to pick him or her up! I sat for almost an hour trying to decide which one I wanted. I knew I wanted a girl and I wanted her to be really small. Dan liked all the puppies just like I did, but he really noticed one in particular. The long legged, wobbly, twice the size of all the others, cuddly boy. I didnt even pay attention to him to be honest! All my attention was set on the little white girl who could fit in one of my hands! We couldn't make up our minds (basically agree on the same dog) so we left and told them we would sleep on it and come get him or her the next day.
The next day came and Dan told me to go by myself and pick the one I really wanted. Well, I didn't want to go all by myself so I brought my sister Anna with me. We got to the house and sat amongst the several puppies for about 20 mins. I made my decision to take the odd ball boy. Dan was nice enough to let me get a puppy, so I thought it would be best to pick his favorite! Besides, he was cute and I was sure he wasn't going to grow much more.
I seriously could not have picked a better dog! Buster is super weird, still long legged, sheds a little too much, and has horrible breath at times. But besides all that, he is so smart, loving, never leaves my side, listens so well, and loves me and Dan so much! I feel sorry for everyone else who has a dog, b/c I know that no one will ever have my Buster.
-Buster Brown
-Mine Sewer
-Main Guy
-Moe Moe
We have many more, but I can't figure out how to spell them!

My other child isn't born yet, but she sure lets me know that she is around! I can't wait to post pictures of her nursery, presents, baby shower, and of course HER! But for now, Buster is taking the glory. He won't get near as much attention when she arrives, poor guy!

My sister Anna holding Buster!
Happy Friday Everyone! I hope these pictures make you smile!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

New Beginnings!

Hello All! I am super pleased and excited to officially start my new blog! I really have no idea what I am doing, but I thought I would give it a try, at least for a little while!

Recently, I was laid off from my other full time job I had (it's ok, everything happens for a reason!) and now I have all kinds of time to keep up on my photography and concentrate on it a little more!

Coming up with new blog titles/topics will be the most difficult thing for me, so if any of you have any questions you would like to ask, let me know! They could be about me, my dog, the weather, my business, my favorite food, or anything really!

There are no pictures with my first blog post, so sorry to disappoint you if I did! I will be forcing myself to blog at least every other day, if not every day! I can't wait to share my ideas, lifestyle, exciting news, and photos with you on here! I am so unbelievably excited to start this and actually stick with it! Comment or send me a message on Facebook anytime! Enjoy the rest of the week!